Saturday, May 10, 2008

My first sonnet which is as of yet untitled

Flames of love within my bones attempt to shine and glow,
Beneath the bones, the beat, beat, beat of a heart so tender.
Flames burn through and seep into the beating heart below,
A cage of ribs keeping flames encased, I wonder of the splendor.

How brightly they shine, what colors do the flames render?
What of the marrow, within the bones do the flames take hold?
Do they course through veins, does it matter what gender?
Who is it that ignited these burning flames, for who should be so bold
To reach inside and light a fire that now is uncontrolled?
It has spread beyond the heart, spread beyond the bones,
Spread into every cell of me, every freckle, every fold.
It keeps me warm, safe now from the cold, never will these flames be outgrown.

I wonder if light does shine dimly through the pores
To be seen by thee who lit these flames, wonder I will evermore.


Euclid's ontheBlock said...

You got ta count yer syllables- say the stuff aloud- the only rule in verse is flow. An extra syllable in the wrong place dissolves what you've done before it.

Liz S... said...

It was a first attempt. I've just written another one in the Italian sonnet format with 10 syllables in each line. This one's Spencerian and I'm fairly sure that the syllables don't matter with this form of sonnet. It's the rhyme pattern that's the most important part.

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